How We Make Money

At Last Writer, we pride ourselves on being a source of reliable and insightful information about writing, the ever-evolving publishing industry, and honest reviews of writing-related products, software, and tools. We are committed to being completely open and transparent about how we generate revenue from this website.

It costs us money to keep Last Writer running, which includes hosting, software, and paying our writers. We want everyone to have full access to our content, so we choose not to implement a paywall or charge subscription fees.

Instead, we rely on advertising and participate in affiliate programs. If you click a link to a product or service and choose to make a purchase, we may receive a small commission or other compensation from the sale at no additional cost to you.

All reviews on Last Writer are the honest and unbiased view of the writer, and we only recommend products or services that we find valuable and, hopefully, our readers will too. 

We would love to hear your product suggestions and experiences (good or bad). Please reach out to us via our Contact page or on Twitter and let us know what you think!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Your support helps us continue to create the best content and tools that we can, thank you!